Sunday, August 22, 2010

Saint Barry kills the Joker.

It had to be done Saint Barry... It had to be done.


  1. Poor, Poor Saint Barry, Vibrating away from the crime scene at the speed of bread being sliced.

  2. Lmao. This is wonderful. Barry had to do what Batman couldn't. All hail Saint Barry Allen!!!

  3. But Brother JT, since Joker was killed by the hand of the Sainted One, it isn't a crime. Seriously though, that pic is SOOOO lame! Every time I look at it I laugh! A five year old could have done a better job! :D

    Ah, I see we have corrupted... um, saved another fellow blogger, Brother JT! Welcome to the fold, Sister Falisha! :P

  4. Agreed, Sister Falisha! Saint Barry killed the Joker ten times before he hit the ground!

  5. Haha I love that, the fact it looks so badly done (no offense) that it just comes off hilarious.

  6. "Saint Barry killed the Joker ten times before he hit the ground!" Because he's ten times more awesome then Batman!

    "the fact it looks so badly done (no offense) that it just comes off hilarious." Totally agreed! Like I said, I can't help but laugh every time I see it! It's THAT bad! The guy who put that together is either a genius, or a total psycho!

  7. Normally I would dispute that, but comparing Batman to Saint Barry is like comparing anyone else to Saint Barry!

    Lmao, I think I'd go 40/60 on those statistics :P

  8. Ain't that the truth... That's like comparing a snowflake to an avalanche. Or a gnat to a jumbo jet. Or... Or... Or... Well, anyone else to Saint Barry!

    IDK, I'd be leaning more towards 20/80 myself... :D

  9. Lol, a Snowflake to an Avalanche. Oh Saint Barry, is there anything you CAN'T do? Besides... being the most awesome being to ever walk/run the earth?

    Haha, Well I was being generous, but I'm inclined to agree.

  10. "Ah, I see we have corrupted... um, saved another fellow blogger, Brother JT! Welcome to the fold, Sister Falisha! :P "

    Lmao omg you guys are riot.

    Thank you Brother JT, Brother X, I feel so welcomed in this holy blog!

  11. Oh wow, you guys actually did this. This is fantastic, haha!

  12. And by that I mean All Hail Saint Barry, of course!!

  13. Of course Brother Marc, all Hail Saint Barry, the greatest Speedster of them all! :P
